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Searching for replacement teeth that last? Implant dentist saves you time, money, and hassle

Do you fear the dental bill more than the procedure itself? At We Smile Dentistry, there is nothing to fear – cost-wise or treatment-wise. Our advanced techniques are gentle and safe. We also work closely with our patients to determine treatment plans that fit well into their budget, along with their schedule and lifestyle. Additionally, Dr. Giulio Spagnuolo is an implant dentist in London, Ontario, which is an important distinction that saves you money and hassle.

Other dental practices located in and around Middlesex County may advertise that they offer the standard in tooth replacement systems: dental implant-supported bridges and dentures. The reality is, not all practices have the equipment and training to place the implant itself. And it is the implant placed in the jaw, which provides the unsurpassed stability and support that has made these systems so popular. Committed to lifelong learning, Dr. Spagnuolo has completed surgical and prosthetic implantology coursework through The Academy for Implant Studies. So, Dr. Spagnuolo is trained on all aspects of implant treatment. He precisely plans where to place each implant in your jawbone. This precision placement positions your implant-retained teeth for long-term health.

Missing teeth hasten a destructive process called bone loss or resorption. Without sufficient bone, implants cannot adequately support your new teeth. We Smile Dentistry’s capabilities allow for bone in the treatment areas to be “built up,” which provides an excellent foundation for bridgework and dentures systems. With sufficient bone, Dr. Spagnuolo moves forward with the actual placement of implants in the jaw.

Once the implants have joined the surrounding jawbone, Dr. Spagnuolo restores the appearance and function of the parts of the tooth above the gumline, the crowns, or the gums and the teeth as part of the denture. This is the “finishing touch,” and often the only part of the dental implants process that many dentists in London, Ontario, and beyond are equipped to provide. With all implant-related services available in-house, you do not have to spend extra time and money travelling to and from a specialist’s office. And, by their very nature, implant-retained teeth are built to last because they are designed like natural teeth – with a replacement tooth root!

Every person is different, but generally, the cost of your treatment depends on factors like:

  • Implant type
  • Components (stock or custom abutments and other connector pieces)
  • Restoration type (bridges versus dentures)
  • Complexity of treatment

All We Smile Dentistry patients enjoy clear and transparent communication. So, there is no sticker shock! Additionally, we are happy to submit insurance claims. While coverage can vary considerably from insurer to insurer, at least a portion of your treatment may be a covered service. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Spagnuolo to find out more about your options. Call We Smile Dentistry in London, ON at (226) 605-0042.

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